Custom bicycle shed with green roof

In 2017, initial discussions were held about a new bicycle parking facility behind Unigarant’s office building in Hoogeveen. The various options were presented by Klaver, including a customized variant.
Subsequently, the building was remodeled, expanding the terrain behind it considerably.

In 2020, the final location was determined for the new bicycle parking facility.
After initiating the procurement process, Unigarant chose Klaver Fietsparkeren’s solution with full conviction.
A customized bicycle parking system with the CuBic as the basic model.


About 1,000 sedum cassettes are installed on the roof of the bicycle parking lot.
The green vegetation creates a pleasant view from the office building onto the bicycle shed.
In addition to a sustainable appearance, the sedum also absorbs moisture, reducing the burden on the sewer system.

In just three weeks we built the approximately 500 m2 bicycle shed.
For this we sought cooperation with a local GWW contractor.
Furthermore, external specialists will install another fall protection and sprinkler system on the roof.


In addition to realizing a bike rack, Klaver has also installed a number of bike racks.
Unigarant will test these bike racks and see which ones are most suitable for their situation.
Think of bike racks for regular, electric and outdoor bikes.

As a Hoogeveen company, we are very proud of the project.
In the coming years, hundreds of bicycles can again be parked safely and dry.
We therefore thank Unigarant for the order and the pleasant cooperation.

  • CuBic bicycle parking

CuBic fietsenstalling